Get your favorite pizza, pasta, & combos easily with the Angels Pizza app!MENU & FOOD ORDERINGBrowse our full menu through the app and order your favorite pizza, pasta, combos, meals, anddeals! You can choose your location, order type (delivery or pick-up), and enter your AngelsPizza Card (APC) details for exclusive benefits!ANGELS PIZZA CARD (APC)Order the Angels Pizza Card (APC) through the app! Our exclusive APC benefits include: Buy 1Take 1 Pizza for only P299, Free Medium Pizza upon purchase of APC, and lifetime validity ofthe APC.E-GIFT CERTIFICATESurprise your loved ones with the Angels Pizza E-Gift Voucher! You can order our P100, P200,and P300 E-Gift Voucher, or you can also enter a custom value, all through the app!STORESFind the nearest Angels Pizza branch to you! The app includes a list of our stores with theircomplete address, contact number, and pinned Google Map location.NEWS & UPDATESGet to know the latest Angels Pizza news and updates, such as new store openings, promos,and offers, through the app!SOCIAL MEDIAConnect with our official social media pages, linked in the app!